Only God knew... "Many are the plans in a Man's heart, but it is the LORD'S purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Everyone is walking and our Christmas tree is still bare.

My post before last has photos of us searching out our perfect Christmas tree. We came home feeling so accomplished... we actually pulled off a normal family outing! Well... that was over a week ago and our Tree is looking like a sad sad tree... still no lights or ornaments and very little attention, other than the babies swatting at it and picking off the needles every chance they get. It is next to impossible to plan one little normal thing on any given day. It takes 4 adults to really do things right and get caught up on anything. I'm hoping we can give our beloved tree some attention on Friday. ;-)
A more positive note... we've pretty much been sick for 6 weeks. First The babies got a cold and then Chris and I got sick... then I'm pretty sure the babies got a new virus. Right about the time Chris and I got well, my Mom and Dad got sick. One little cold is really enough to completely raise the roof around here. I finally took Brayden to the doctor because his cough was lingering much longer... he had his first Ear infection/sinus infection. My poor Boo!!!!! I felt like a terrible mother... I had no clue his ear was bothering him.
An even more positive note... The babies just had their One Year checkup with their doctor, who told us that they were going to be sick their entire second year. He said it would be cold after cold after cold so we'd better get used to it. Then he told me that the babies were ready to be taken off their baba's... "cold turkey. " And that they all needed to learn how to self soothe by way of crying in their cribs. I wanted to punch him dead in the face!!!!!!! He has no clue who he's dealing with. Shane has completely regressed and is having like 4 or 5 babas a day... Ireland also is a huge fan of her baba. She loves snuggling up with Momma and her baba. It's the only quiet time my kids have to just be a singleton for a moment. We took them down to three baba's about a month ago and ironically they all learned the sign for baba and started making their requests be known. They do a hand full of signs now and it's really cute... they think it's pretty cool that they can make requests now.
But really, other than Mommy being a little overwhelmed by the doctors little nugget of info... the babies are all doing really well. Their doctor was very impressed with them and their development. Ireland is talking so much... she surprises us with something new every day. She says "tree" now and "pretty" when she see's Christmas lights. Today we took them to see the Christmas tree at RSM lake and she started yelling "Tee Tee"... but then when we got closer she said "Baoon" (Balloon). There were great big gold and red balls on the tree that she was calling balloons. She's so cute. The boys were thrilled to see the tree too and were very excited about the ducks in the lake. I love this age... seeing them experience new things every day. I'm so in awe of them!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Team Waite getting in the Christmas Spirit.

Step aside... the Triplets are searching for the perfect Christmas Tree.
Our little Cindy Lu Hu.

Perfect Dada!
Merry Christmas!