The triplets had their first Easter Sunday. It was a very special day... they had so much fun playing with their cousins, Ryder and Graham. Ryder was so cute with all the babies!
Ireland... Ryder holding Graham... then Shane... and Brayden. Ryder looks so concerned about Shaners. :-(
Ireland and Brayds...
Ireland with her Uncle Eric

The Waite family... Brayds is in the middle in this one.
Now Shane is in the middle...

The triplets are almost 5 months now! They're sitting up in those bumbo seat thingies and they're eating real food now!!!!! This is happening way too fast for me! I don't want them to start moving around and talking back. Team Waite is turning a huge corner... Chris and I are finally starting to kind of sort of have a life... Sort of. And someone better knock on wood for me. They're all in bed now by 7:30pm and are sleeping through the night. Wooooooo hoooooooo! Shane is still my early riser and sometimes likes to wake us around 4am or 5am.
Here are my Babies... Brayden with his hand in his mouth, Ireland, and Shane
Dad making a stiff one

We can only imagine??????? What it would be like with one! (Mom and Dad with Shane)
Ireland loves her bath time... I love my little Ducky.
Brayden is a big boy in his Bumbo Chair... this is happening way too fast for me!


Brayden LOVES his rice cereal!
Ireland after her dinner
Brothers don't shake hands... Brothers gotta hug!
Brayden kisses!!!!! I love those cheeks!