Waite Family Update...
Shane, Brayden, and Ireland are a little over 10 months now. They are growing at break neck speed and Mom and Dad are trying to keep up. This age is new and exciting for Chris and I. It's so fun watching them pick up something new every day. I finally feel like I can understand them and what they're wanting or asking... it's really cool. A few days ago I was reading to them and asked Shane to sit on his bottom and he did it. It made me cry... he actually listens to me. They're all becoming so affectionate and sweet lately too. They crawl up in your lap and give kisses. I love being their Mom!
I won't lie though, this age is by far the most challenging for me... so far. They are so hard right now! They're all going in different directions and my only goal is keeping them alive. Everyone is crawling and pulling themselves up on everything now. Shane has recently started climbing too... poor guy gets at least two boo boo's a day. Today he got a bruise on top of a bruise. They're teething freaks lately, so they're constantly biting each other. You can't take your eyes off of them for a second. They've really been giving Chris and I a run for our money lately. They've been waking at night again especially Shane who's having some kind of serious separation anxiety. Chris was gone on business last week and I thought I was going to die... I really would have died if it weren't for my Mom and Sister. They've been so great and are truly committed to the Trips... and Chris and I. Back when the babies were 8 weeks old, we used to say we were stuck in the woods. Well... we're back in the woods again. Chris thinks we're going to die in the woods. WHY WON'T THEY SLEEP??!!??!!! Being a parent is so cool but so funny. I'm basically doing everything the books say not to do. We had a really rough night with Ireland a few weeks ago... she was waking up every half hour. Finally, the desperate mother that I was, I pulled her into the guest bed with me. Then I told Chris... "If I'm going to do this all night, you HAVE to help me sleep at least an hour in the morning." He said of course. Well Ireland woke up for the day around 5am so I walked down the hall to hand her to her daddy so I could go back and get some shut eye. When I got to our bedroom I noticed Shane curled up in bed next to Chris!!!!! Apparently he was up all night with Shaners too. I wanted to go play on the 5 freeway! I used to get annoyed when people asked us if we were going to have a reality show... now I think we'd be pretty entertaining.
Big kids relaxing outside with their sippy cups.
We can hold our own baba's and help Mom out now when she's alone in the morning.
Some water play with Beans.

One word comes to mind when explaining Shane... Extreme!!! He is an intense dude. He's by far my most active. He has no fear and will try anything. I think he's going to be in extreme sports some day. He gets so excited about new experiences and stimulation. He makes this hilarious oooohhhhhhh face all day long when he sees something he likes. He never stops moving... he's always aware of everything going on in the room and he doesn't miss a thing. He's very bright and picks up something new every day. Shaners is sooooooo silly... definitely the most silly of the three. He's going to be the class clown. He's always making us laugh with his funny grin and giggle. He's my most needy right now... even his moods are extreme. When he's happy... he's the happiest silliest bundle of joy you've ever seen. But when he's frustrated... he throws tantrums and loses his mind until he gets what he wants. He really thinks he's Mommies little singleton Kangaroo boy. Sometimes I feel like he's an attachment to my body. Shaners doesn't sleep much... Chris and I trade off waking up with him at 4am. His naps are always shorter... he thinks he has to be sleeping on me. Many days the bags under his eyes match mine, but it doesn't stop his Energy. The kid has Energy... Energy... Energy. He's also my most affectionate child. I love soothing him to sleep, even though it's starting to keep us up all night. He's so sweet... he rubs my arms and pets me and even gives kisses over and over again when I rock him to sleep. He's a touchy feely little lover. He pretty much needs to be touching us in order to sleep. He's so wild and hyper, yet so soft and sweet.
Ireland's nick name is Pea. She is such a sweet little pea. She's probably my easiest right now... she has a great little temperament! She's a sweet and gentle spirit. She loves her brothers and loves when Shane chases her. She is the only baby I've seen hand over a toy to one of the others. There is a lot of toy stealing in our home and Shane and Brayden get TICKED OFF!!! They fight back, steal back, throw tantrums, and sometimes bite (It's tough being a triplet). But... when the boys steal something from Pea, she just smiles at them and grabs a new toy. As long as I'm in the room, she's very happy to sit by me and play. She's the biggest Momma's girl of the three. There are times when she'll only go to me or she'll cry if I leave her with someone else. She's such a girl! She loves to dance and she has an amazing high pitched opera singing voice. She's such a talker... my most social. She already says a hand full of words... "Dog, Cat, Dada, uh oh, Duck, Bye Bye, and my personal favorite... Tickle. " For reals... she says tickle and then holds up her fingers and pretends she's tickling. Growing up, I was the girly girl and my sister was more of the punky brewster. I think Ireland is the perfect combo of Holcomb sisters. Her mannerism's are so dainty and girly but she loves to explore and get dirty. She will put any disgusting thing she finds out in our yard right into her mouth. The perfect sister of two brothers... right? She also LOVES animals!!!! She gets so excited when she sees a dog. When we're out on our walk, she can see a dog coming a block away and starts kicking and yelling... "Do Do Do Dog Dog!!!!" When I read to her she has to lean forward and kiss all of the animals on the pages. Like her brothers, she also loves books and reading. I am so blessed to have such great kids.
Happy October from the Triplets!
We took the triplets outside to play in the rain a little and get some new experiences. They LOVED it!!!!!!!! Hope you all enjoy our little Fall photo session. Music brought to you by Brayden Boo... he saw the Dixie Chicks on Sesame Street and fell in love with this song.