Shane, Brayden, and Ireland had their half birthday yesterday... they turned 18 months. Where did my little babies go!?!!??! I miss skin to skin! As long as I can continue to put them in Rompers for at least another year... I'm good. ;-)
This age is fascinating. Chris and I are in awe of them every single day. They're really turning a corner right now and I think life is about to get easier. Everyone is talking so much and they're really able to listen and understand us now. Taking them anywhere, 6 months ago, was a nightmare! But now Grocery shopping is fun... it's one of our favorite things to do. They love going to the market and picking out their favorite foods. Getting out has been so much more enjoyable...they understand now that when they get to the side walk they have to ask for help and hold Mommy or Daddy's hand. They're really starting to get it! They're like little sponges. They make me so proud. I'm pretty sure I have the best job in the entire world!
Here is a video of them yesterday on their birthday. ;-) Just click on the video to watch it... Also click on any photo below to view it larger.
Here they are... in their rompers (18 months old). If only there was a video camera that captured my mom and me trying to get this photo... would have been excellent reality TV! ;-)
The triplets love their field trips. We go to the park now, the Garden, and the Beach. We just took them all to Sea World for the first time on Sunday... I'm pretty sure it was the best day of their lives. I've had a lot of amazing experiences (my wedding day, the day we found out we were pregnant) but watching my daughter on Sunday with the life size Elmo was right up there as one of my greatest all time experiences. She ran right into his arms for hugs and kisses... she was shaking with Excitement. I was very grateful to have my entire family there to help us juggle the babies... it was an amazing day celebrating our Nephew's 4th birthday.
Brayden hugging his cousin Ryder...
Update on our little girl... Recently we found out that Ireland has something called a Brachial Cleft Sinus. It's a birth defect that she was born with. She has a tiny pin hole in her neck that is leaking clear fluid. It isn't life threatening but she will probably need surgery at some point. Little Pea basically has a gill... we could throw her in the water and she'd be able to breathe just fine. ;-) She had her first appointment today with an ENT Surgeon. Chris and I were very encouraged by what he told us. He didn't think there was any reason to do surgery tomorrow... he thought we could wait a year or two until she was a little older. He said infection would be rare and that even if it did get a little infected... we could give her antibiotics. I feel so much better! We are still getting a few more opinions... we're taking her to CHOC in LA next week. I'm so grateful for my husband who is willing to make every appointment and pay for our family to have the best of the best insurance... so we can get her the best of the best Surgeon. :-) If you're the praying type... please say a prayer for our baby girl and for me because I'm not good with this kind of thing.
On a different note, Ireland was so funny today. She was flirting with all the nurses and office staff. When people walked by, she would say... "Doctor" and "neck". She was even looking up to show everyone her neck. UNTIL..... we got in the doctors office. She wouldn't let the actual doctor anywhere near her neck... she screamed bloody murder through the entire appointment. I was talking to her and trying to calm her down. I told her I'd take her to the fountain as soon as we were all done. Then she started to ask for her Grandma. She was crying... "Gama, Gama... all done... Gama! "
Ireland is so sweet... still a Momma's girl who loves to be up and held. She loves her brothers but is very sensitive and would just like them to take a hike at times. She is very feminine but not super girly in the things she likes. She likes to get dirty and is a thrill seeker... my bravest child of the 3. I recently took her to the Beach and she wanted to dive into the giant waves face first. She loves her animals and is obsessed with Elmo. I only let her and her brothers watch about 30-40 minutes of TV a day... before nap and before bed time. But Ireland asks for Elmo all day long from the time she wakes up... it's really hard to tell her no. It makes her so happy. I love being her Mom.

Last but definitely not the least is our Shaners. Shane is high on life. He loves new experiences and is full of energy. He enjoys his books and has one of those photographic memories... once he learns something, it's in his brain for life. He is a music guy... loves to sing and dance. He loves all vehicles... trains, airplanes, trucks, and motorcycles. Thursday is his favorite day of the week (trash pick up day). Shane is a food connoisseur... he enjoys talking about all of his favorite foods. He'll ask for meat balls at the strangest times... like when I'm putting him in his crib for bed. Shane loves his blankie and being outside. When he grows up, he'd like to be a garbage man or possibly the next Justin Timberlake. ;-)
I'm enjoying my job lately! Nothing compares to being a Mommy. My goal in life right now is getting to the bottom of our laundry... a task that has yet to be accomplished since the birth of my children. I was recently called a MILF by a random stranger as I was getting into my car. I was all excited and flattered until I realized I didn't have my kids with me. ;-)
Here we are! At first I was kind of ticked that this was our husband/wife picture on our 5 year anniversary. But it's so our lives... I love it. Besides Brayds was too impressed with my outfit to stand back.