Chris and I decided it was time to go somewhere as a family. We were tired of RSM and the same boring family room. So we packed up the Trips and drove out to Havasu to stay in Grandma and Grandpas place for five days. Sounds easy.... right? It began with an entire day of packing. Chris helped load things in the mini van from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed. I juggled the babies as usual and helped pack their clothes, toys, and my things. ;-) We finally finished our burrow work and got the babies in their new car seats... purchased just in time for their first road trip! FOUR HOUR road trip! I repeat... 4 hours in the car with 7 month old triplets! I was so nervous about how this was going to work... I couldn't even begin to grasp it in my brain.
I waisted my precious time worrying because the babies were perfect Angels!!!!!! We didn't stop the entire drive... I risked my life in the back seat at one point trying to feed all three... But no one cried the whole way.
We were so excited when we got there... the babies were happy to stretch out and roll around on the carpet. ( we have wood floor) And the view was beautiful... it was a perfect day at the lake....................
Grandma and Grandpa
Team Waite's bedroom... and the nap room
Everything was seeming bright... Until..... Bed time!!!!!! We all slept in the same bedroom. The boys shared a packNplay and Ireland had her own. They have never slept in anything but their own cribs. Ireland cried every half hour the entire night... waking up the boys half of those times! She did not want to go in that bed!!!! I woke up the next morning on the couch in the family room with her on my chest. Chris and I felt like we got ran over by a truck. Praise Jesus my Mom was their and willing to help that morning and let Chris and I go back to sleep for a few hours.
Shane was not a happy man either that morning!!!!!!! He cut his first tooth and is working on the second. This picture doesn't really come close to explaining how miserable he really was. :-(
There it is... his first tooth.
We were starting to think bringing teething Triplets out to the 115 degree heat wasn't the best idea. After our rough night and poor hurting Shaners, we almost packed up the Blumpy again and came back home. But Chris and I decided to try one more day. We also decided we were going to stay positive and have a good time... NO MATTER WHAT!
;-) ;-) ;-)
Later that day..... The boat broke before we even left the dock. I thought Chris might cry... I think he could have been tearing up under his sun glasses. The babies went down nicely for their afternoon nap and my Mom offered to watch the babies for a few hours while we went out and played on the water. It was our big chance!
Here I am at the dock that we never left. I was actually enjoying some time away from the Trips with some sun, my music, and a cold beer while Chris tried to figure out what was wrong with the boat.
My water babies...
The babies spent most of the day playing inside where it was cool. Brayden couldn't handle more than about 20-30 minutes outside or his face was bright red. He had to be in the water with a sippy cup in hand at all times.
Some Adult time...
Auntie Leah came later in the week to get the party started.
Night time Golf cart ride...
Submerged in the Lake is the place to be