It seems like just yesterday I had 3 hearts beating in my tummy.... but now they're all here, 11 weeks old, and growing so fast! Today the babies are in size 1 diapers and are officially out of their Newborn clothes. :-( Our hearts are overflowing with LOVE LOVE LOVE with Valentines day approaching. I have to say that I've never felt more close to Chris and our love has never been so strong. It has to be, or we'd never withstand the daily beatings from the Triplets. There are many nights when Chris and I feel like sticking tooth picks in our eye lids so that we can stay awake. My children are absolutely amazing and any one of them on their own would be a piece of cake... but my sweet peas are not easy babies! They may be the most spoiled Multiples on Gods green Earth. Mommy is a sucker... I do not let my babies cry. Oh I thought I was going to be a tuffy! I read that book Baby Wise during my pregnancy and was talking a great game about self soothing and letting infants cry. I'm Pathetic!!! Chris and I are completely baby STUPID on a daily basis. I rock babies, walk babies, sooth them with white noise and any other ridiculous way I can think of. I have been completely humbled. I do not have time for showers... let alone makeup. I wash my face daily with baby wipes and feel like I've been to the Spa if I've had time to brush my teeth.
I call 3:00pm the witching hour... when our Nanny has left and I'm alone with the lovely's until Chris gets home around 5:30pm. They all scream during witching hour and they all want their Mommy! I attempt to feed them all with a small layer of sweat across my face. Then I hold the two who are screaming the loudest and sing "Hush Lil Baby" to the other one. Sometimes I try and throw them all in their car seats or their strollers and take them out... they're red faced and screaming through this entire process. They'll sometimes settle by the time I get to the neighborhood green belt. Oh but they're little lovers! They're getting so cute and so aware of their surroundings. And... praise God that Grandma has recently signed on for the Witching hour shift. Chris and I also love all the stupid parenting advice we get. Example: Why don't you just sleep when the babies are sleeping? THERE ARE 3 OF THEM!!!!! They're never all sleeping at the same time! Someone always wants Mommy time. Everyone likes to tell us to put them down awake too... My daughter would never go for that. She would commit suicide. She has Colic and I believe her face would pop if I left her in her crib to cry. Don't worry... I will baby wise these kids at some point... but I'm waiting until they're 4 months old and their little nervous systems can handle that. Everyone assumes too that Multiples are all alike. So not true with the Waite Trio. They all like different things and have their own special needs. Ireland Loves her car seat and her walk... Shane hates it with a passion... and Brayden will take it for a few minutes before he's over it. Shane is soothed by the over the shoulder hold only... Ireland likes to face away from you and walk (surveying the room)... and Brayden prefers the sideways boob hold with a passie in his mouth. Each mini Waite is developing their own adorable personality. We used to wake to them crying each morning and now when Chris and I take them out of their cribs they're all smiles and so happy to see us.
The Valentines day Photo Shoot. Brayden is on the left... Ireland's in the middle... Shane is on the right.

Daddy and Shanster passed out.

Shane and Ireland

Ireland giving her Shaners some love!
Queen of Hearts <3>
What can I say about my princess? She wants her Mommy! Ireland really loves to be stimulated. I play with her, sing to her, and read to her all day long. She loves her Mobile and her soother... she's very intelligent and all smiles lately. :-) She's so sweet and wants to be in my arms all day long. I've eaten many meals with her at the table and in my lap. She doesn't like sharing with the boys... she believes she's a singleton baby. Chris and I are basically scared of our daughter... she really loves to get her scream on and it's blood curdling! We call her the hornets nest. You really want to get to her quickly before she gets to a point of no return.

Prince of Hearts <3>

Prince of Hearts <3>
Shane is our snuggle bug... he's so soft and he curls right up in your neck when he's in your arms. I can't stop kissing his little head. Chris thinks I'm nuts but I think the boys have different styles. Shane is my little preppy boy... he's perfect in teddy bear outfits. Brayden is more the tough guy. Shane is the only one who understands he's a triplet. He always manages to self sooth at just the right time when the other two are screaming. But he definitely knows when they're sleeping and that's usually when he gets his fuss on. Sometimes I think he has wings. We also call him the torpedo. He's the most active... always kicking and punching. He was the first to roll over at 4 weeks!!!!! He'll be the first to walk.

Brayden is the happiest baby on the block!!!!! He's my little flirt. Mommy's going to have to watch out because he's going to be the PLAYER. He's happy to be in any ones arms and he smiles all day long. He's the only one who's let out a big giggle so far. It's hard to believe that he was held back in the NICU learning how to suck. He is my best eater and the only one who can be trusted with a Passie... the other two are passie challenged. Brayden has acid reflux and has recently turned a huge corner. We've added Rice to his formula and it's changed his life! He loves his Milk Shake. He's a happy and Mellow dude. Although Brayds started out a little behind his brother and sister developmentally, he's now completely caught up. In fact, he may be leading the team.
Cutest Post Ever Friend!!! Love You ALL!!
ReplyDeleteLove Auntie Erinn
Ahhhhh Linz.... Your babies are STUNNING!!! You & Chris sound like the best parents ever! What a wonderful job you two are doing in raising these precious babies! I'm so glad you're listening to your heart & not letting them cry. Throw babywise to the wind... Every baby is so different & there is no one size fits all mold! Keep up the good (hard) work mama!!! :) Love, Lindsey M.
ReplyDeleteAlright, Lindsay - When can I come over and see those babies??? And what's this "nanny" business?! You didn't even call me. :)
ReplyDeleteI do laundry, too. (((((Hugs))))))
- Gretchen
Oh My Goodness, These three are the cutest. I can't wait to meet them in person. You two are such great parents. Love you all.
ReplyDeleteLindsay they are BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations on your blessings.... I miss mine being so little. Hold on to them tight because it goes SO FAST!